Wednesday, October 30, 2013

DNA day and bacteria partaaayyyy!

Today in class we reviewed concepts covered in Survival of the Fittest chapter six. We even took whiteboard notes: 

Main concepts: 

-mutations cause by viruses
- inject their own DNA into another's 
- jumping genes
- Junk DNA and how it was probably used in evolution 
- it also probably was originally a virus that we now have a beneficial relationship with 
- vaccines are less server versions of a virus 
- allows our immune system to produce antibodies specifically for that virus before we get infected
- flu is hard to control because it mutates easily

Then we did a lab in class. 
This lab will show how bacteria react to Pglo and antibiotics that we add to its environment and DNA. 

       ^ a picture of our two different bacteria

      ^these are the original bacteria colonies 

    ^ we are heat shocking the bacteria so none of the genetic material escape from the bacteria cell after we insert the Pglo

     ^ these are the bacteria before we put them in their labels dishes 

      ^here we are spreading our DNA so we can space out the individual bacteria 

     ^ then we let them grow !!!!

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