Thursday, October 24, 2013

Journey of man #2

Yesterday in class we finished the movie journey of man. Here are some of the notes I took during the movie: 
-after Australia, our ancestors traveled to India 
- used costal route ( first costal migration from Africa) 
- 2nd group took route to Middle East (majority)  
- 1st wave went to India 
-2nd wave went to china 
- no trace of ancestors in Europe while they were populating Asia 
- found some causes for migration in cave paintings 
- ancestor taller than average man 
- by the time ancestors got to Europe, skin lighter
- because they moved into colder environments so skin needed to be lighter to allow vitamin D to synthesize 
- chuchi native Americans  are the ones that migrated form Asia to America 
- first arctic travelers 
- body shape adapted for cold weather 
- ice age created land mass that was connected to Alaska and used for migration to America 
- then traveled to South America 

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