Monday, October 21, 2013

Where did man come from?

Today in class we want over test questions and concepts. Then we want over the ideas covered in the National Geographic article we had to read for homework. My group talked about why some of the Native Americans refused to give their blood. The main reason was because it went against their religion and traditions, which is a problem that science (especially on the topic of evolution) runs into a lot. We also talked about how Native Americans now include a diverse selection of ethnicities, which makes it harder to determine their origin. This also means that they need a broad amount of blood samples in order to truly find a common ancestor; however, as I said before, not everyone wants to participate. 

Then we watched a movie called "the journey of man" about the man who was mentioned in the article we had for  homework. I took some notes on som of the main concepts: 
- Luca (another scientist) wanted to use blood to create family tree
- isolated tribes in Africa give best results because they are direct descendants an never left
- big question: how did they travel around the world so quickly? 
- San Bushmen- combination of all ethnicities 
- original language of ancestors 
- ability to think and contemplate things gave us an example of how we were able to conquer the world 
- why did cave men do when the sea shore moved back because of the ice age? 
- migration in search of food? 
- went to Australia next
- mango people have oration of history but not very reliable for historians and scientists 

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