Sunday, October 6, 2013

Adaptations and mutations

Today I class we went over the concepts of mutations and adaptations. Mutations can be negative, positive, or neutral. Organism with the positive mutations are more likely to survive and reproduce. This  mutation will become an adaptation after a few generations of that organism has reproduced. 
Then we did an activity with shells, and we organized them by their different characteristics. Some of the shells had holes that were drilled by the cone snail's tongue. 

Then we started our brine shrimp lab. 
- 30 ml of 0%,0.5%,1.0%,1.5%,2.0% of salt in a distiller water solution
- then you pour in you Petri dishes that are labeled 

- then you cut double-sided tape into 1.5cm and put it on each slide 
- then tap paint brush in brine shrimp eggs 
- then tap brush on tape
- place slide in solution 
- let it be for at least 24 hours 

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