Thursday, May 8, 2014

Plant hormones: Auxin, Abscisic Acid, and Ethylene

Plants need hormones just like we do in order to continue homeostasis.

Auxin is a hormone in charge of  mainly growth (cell elongations) but also has other functions such as:
- elongation of cells
- root growth 
- cell division 
- stimulate flower growth
- stimulate fruit growth 
- promote the creation of ethylene

And much much more. Information can be found at:

The next hormone I will describe is Ethylene. This hormone is gaseous that is mainly in charge of fruit ripening. It also has one of the
simplest structures. 
This hormones functions are: 
- stimulate root growth 
- stimulates fruit to ripen 
- induction of femaleness in dioecious flowers 
- stimulates flower opening 
And more. Information found at:

The last hormone is Abscisic Acid. This hormone is mainly in charge of abscission of fruits and bud dormancy. 
This hormones functions are:
- inhibit shoot growth but doesn't affect roots as much
- Induces seed to store protein 
- induce maintenance dormancy 
- stimulates closure of stomata 

Information from:

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