Sunday, May 4, 2014

Flower Day!!!

Flower Observations

Flowers have both male and female parts. They can either reproduce by the transfer of their pollen on insects or animals, or they can reproduce themselves. The Female parts are the pistil which is a group of carpels. Each carpel has an ovary that makes the ovules (the eggs that can be fertilized). The male reproductive parts of the flower are stamens. They are made up of an anther and a filament. The anther creates pollen. The pollen will then either be transferred or will it will fertilized  the eggs already present.   The fertilization of an ovule is called pollination. The ovules will then develop into seeds in the ovary. The flowers that have both male and female organs are called perfect flowers. The flowers that only have single sex organs are called imperfect flowers.
My Observations:
This flower had soft colorful petals that seemed to attract insects. Their leaves were a dark green color l, probably to help absorb sunlight. The flowers on the bush were evenly spaced out on the branches. The bush was tall an almost seemed like a small tree. The reproductive organs are protected by the petals allowing insects to have access.  

This flower has large open head and mutiple flower heads are on a single stem. The petals are soft and colorful, attracting insects. Pollen can be found on the inside of the petals and on the anthers. The leaves are thin and small but there are many on the bush. 

This flower has soft petals and an open head. The flower hads are more spaces  out on the bush. The leaves are waxy and the stems have thorns on the for protection. The stamens are in the middle of the flyover head an are a yellow color. The scent of the flower is also very strong.

This flowering plant has tall towers of flower heads. They are a light purple flower protected by a hard casing with thorns.I couldn't find the the male reproductive organs but the female organs are clustered in the center. The stem of the plant has large leaves to collect a large amont of sunlight. The leaves also have a wxy coating on them. 

  This slower has soft petals with a few flower on the stems. The leaves are thin and stringy and have sharp edges. All the reproductive organs are in the center of the flower. The stems are easily bent and  malliable. The center of the flower seems to have small petals in the center of the flower. I think they might be to protect the stamens.

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