Thursday, May 22, 2014

Creation of glucose in a plant

First, the carbon is created from cell respiration or from decaying organisms. 

Then the water arrives to the plant thought the tap roots, root hairs, or primary roots. The water then gets carried from the roots to leaves through transpiration. Transpiration includes cohesion, adhesion, and evaporation. The water is carried  in the xylem locate in the stem of the plant. 
The water is then split by photo system two. The oxygen is released. Then wavelength 680 bumps up the electrons to another energy level. This is then taken to the electron transport chain. This process creates ATP but not e bought to survive on. Then the electrons are taken to photo system one. Wavelength 700 again excites the electrons and then these make NADPH. 

Then the carbon is taken to the Calvin cycle. This cycle adds a one carbon group to a five carbon group using carbon fixation. Rubisco is in charge of this new molecule. Then ATP and more enzymes are used to continue to change the shape of the carbon molecule. NADP is created and so is ADP. The NADPH it hen brings the hydrogen to the carbon and oxygen to form glucose. It takes about six cycle in both systems to create it. 
Overall, these different molecules are bonded together through the use of ATP, electron transport chain, and enzymes in order to create energy for the organism to use . 

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