Sunday, November 10, 2013

Operon systems and biochemistry

Today in class we took a quiz on protein synthesis. I learned that I need to study how the mRNA replicates to form the tRNA and how the tRNA is read by the ribosome. 

We then covered Operon systems. An Operon system I put in place to make sure that no energy I wasted. Operon systems are only in prokaryotes, eukaryotes use the Tata box as their control.  There are two types of systems :
Repressible and inducible. In the Pglo lab we use the Operon system from Arabinose and put it in front of the Pglo gene. It will then produce a protein that will help it grow. Overtime, the glow will fade because this system will still be creating arabinase that eats away at the arabinose. This is called biochemistry, when scientists insert genes of one organism into another to make it have that same trait. 

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