Monday, September 23, 2013

Your inner fish- Chapters one and two

Today, we covered concepts found in chapters one and two of your inner fish. In chapter one, the author of the book describes his journey to find a transition fossil from fish to amphibian. The fossil he found was a Tiktaalik. He found this fossil on his last trip to Canada. Not only does this transition fossil provide evidence for evolution, but it's location also proves evolution because of the movement of the plate tectonics. We also watched a short video showing the movement of the plates over millions of years. We also went over the process of how fossils are made.  In chapter two, the details of Tiktaalik are described, especially the fin traits. The fossil still hade characteristics of a fish: 
- primitive jaw
However, it also had characteristics of an amphibian/ reptile:
-flat head
- eyes on top of head
- neck
- one bone, two bone, more finger-like blob 
-ability to take itself out of the water (do a push up) 

^pictures of the two chapters
^shows leg bone of amphibian 
^arm bone of flying reptile 

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