Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Plant Cell Party

In class we learned about the many parts of plant cells and how they differ from other cells. Using this picture :
We described some of functions and purposes of the cell wall, phospholipids, glycoproteins, and glyclolipids. 
Glycoproteins - carbohydrate +protein 
- two layers of phospholipids- phosphate + fat 
- proteins embedded 
Proteins- main functions: transport, enzymatic activity (cause things to happen), signal transaction to nucleus about what is happening outside, and cell to cell recognition( by shape created by glycoproteins) 
We also reviewed osmosis, diffusion, and  a cell membrane.
Osmosis - movement of water across a semi- permeable membrane from an isotonic solution 
Diffusion- movement of molecules from a semi- permeable membrane (through proteins) 
Cell Membrane- semi- permeable determined by: 
- size 
-polar and non polar bonds in molecules 
The last activity in class was the house case where we were given symptoms of a potential patient and we had to figure out what tests to give and the diagnosis. 

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