Monday, April 21, 2014

Breaking News! Volcanic Eruption in a River

Volcanic Eruption in a River?



That's right. Last Saturday night, there was a large shake of the ground, but this was not an earthquake. Immediately, there was a large smoke cloud mixed with ash and fire spewing out from the middle of  a river. The humid air was thick with ash. Lava began to take over that area of the river and reach the shore.

Photo taken by Dana Stephenson
This type of eruption can be categorized as a - "Phreatic: explosion of steam, water, ash and rock as magma comes in contact with groundwater or surface water."
Along with the steam, toxic gases are releases into the air. Carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide are some of the most harmful gases that can be released.This does not only poison the living organisms, but it can also make the soil infertile. The gases released also add to the "greenhouse effect" and can create acid rain. Ash from the explosion can also suffocate plants and animals too slow to escape the black cloud. Some ash can contain a chemical called Fluorine which can poison fresh water supplies for weeks.

Photo taken by Lothar Slabon

 Lava that has yet to reach the surface forms a crust and creates "pillow lava." This pillow lava immediately traps fish and any living organism in the area and encases it in a hard crust. Lava can also move quickly down stream along with the current of the river. Once lava reaches the shore it can start fires and burn the environment around it. This eruption can also block the original path of the river, causing floods that may drown some animals.

Photo taken by Peter Lik

A few animals were able to escape this death trap. Many of the birds, such as the Osprey Hawk, made it out of the disaster zone due to its fast flight ability. Also many of the quickest fish, such as the Pickerel, made it out of the lava in time because of the slim body and fast movements. However, many lives were lost in this catastrophe.

Osprey Fishing by William C. Gladish
Photo taken by William C. Gladish

As a result, this area will be barren for a while, due to poisoned soil and water source damaged. Also, the surrounding environment has been damaged because of fire and horrible air quality.

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