Wednesday, April 30, 2014




"The Human Bumblebee"

Who is in charge here? The plants or the bees? Yes, the bees may feel like they are in control, but the flowers are the ones who attracted the bees in the first place. Through natural selection and evolution, flowers have "learned" to manipulate the bees into carrying their pollen from flower to flower, thus allowing them to reproduce.
Taken by Joaquin Gasper

The relationship between the bee and the flower is known as "coevolution." This means that "the two parties act on each other to advance their individual interests but wind up trading favors"(Pollan, P.2). The bee gets food, and the flower gets pollinated. Just like this, the potato is harvested by humans because we like its taste. In turn, the potatoes get to be cultivated. This lead to the realization that the plats are acting on us as much as we are acting on them.

Honey bee on flower: More wild flowers to be planted to save honey bees, says WI
Taken by Getty


Coevolution can also be seen in the apple because it tastes sweet to us. Also, cannabis also attracts humans because of its intoxication capabilities.  However, before this, flowers developed coevolution as a defense mechanism. Many of them originally had poison to warn other animals to leave them alone. Another reason plants are involved in coevolution is because they cant move themselves. They must rely on others to help them pollinate. Some plants developed burrs to attach to an animals fur. Plant also got us to move them into our gardens or on a farm. This is all part of nature and natural selection. Some people think that because the plants are "domesticated", they are no longer part of nature, but everything is still part of nature. Even when humans create hybrid plants, it should be considered part of natural selection. We can relate this concept to animals. Why do you think there are a lot more dogs than wolves? Its because we have domesticated dogs; therefore, the dogs have become more successful.

Owned by Discovery

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wolf v.s Rabbit Graph

The graph above depicts the population count in an artic tundra. Here, the primary consumer is the rabbit (prey) (White, yellow-green, lime-green, dark green) and the secondary consumer is the Wolf(predator). As we look at the graph, we can notice a relationship between population of the wolf and the rabbit. The population growth is determined by the amount of food and energy available, as well as the variations in each generation or species. An example of a variation is the multiple colors of fur a rabbit has. In the early generations, the rabbit population increased because their wasn't enough energy to sustain a wolf. Therefore, the wolf dies due to starvation and the imbalance of energy available for it to receive. However, the wolf population did increase when the rabbit population reached its peak and there was enough food to go around. The extra energy allowed for the wolf to reproduce. In the middle generation, we can see an example of an extinction in the case of the white rabbit. This was a result of the over-hunting of that certain type of rabbit. However, if this was actually data from a real arctic tundra, then the white rabbit would be less likely to go extinct because the color of its fur allows it to camouflage with the snow. Later, we do see that some other rabbits experience extinction but their population will eventually increase if an outside rabbit migrates into this area.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Breaking News! Volcanic Eruption in a River

Volcanic Eruption in a River?



That's right. Last Saturday night, there was a large shake of the ground, but this was not an earthquake. Immediately, there was a large smoke cloud mixed with ash and fire spewing out from the middle of  a river. The humid air was thick with ash. Lava began to take over that area of the river and reach the shore.

Photo taken by Dana Stephenson
This type of eruption can be categorized as a - "Phreatic: explosion of steam, water, ash and rock as magma comes in contact with groundwater or surface water."
Along with the steam, toxic gases are releases into the air. Carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide are some of the most harmful gases that can be released.This does not only poison the living organisms, but it can also make the soil infertile. The gases released also add to the "greenhouse effect" and can create acid rain. Ash from the explosion can also suffocate plants and animals too slow to escape the black cloud. Some ash can contain a chemical called Fluorine which can poison fresh water supplies for weeks.

Photo taken by Lothar Slabon

 Lava that has yet to reach the surface forms a crust and creates "pillow lava." This pillow lava immediately traps fish and any living organism in the area and encases it in a hard crust. Lava can also move quickly down stream along with the current of the river. Once lava reaches the shore it can start fires and burn the environment around it. This eruption can also block the original path of the river, causing floods that may drown some animals.

Photo taken by Peter Lik

A few animals were able to escape this death trap. Many of the birds, such as the Osprey Hawk, made it out of the disaster zone due to its fast flight ability. Also many of the quickest fish, such as the Pickerel, made it out of the lava in time because of the slim body and fast movements. However, many lives were lost in this catastrophe.

Osprey Fishing by William C. Gladish
Photo taken by William C. Gladish

As a result, this area will be barren for a while, due to poisoned soil and water source damaged. Also, the surrounding environment has been damaged because of fire and horrible air quality.

Cited Works:

Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Adventure: Exploring Freshwater Streams and Rivers

Notes and Observations:


Visiting all the rivers around the world is a hard task.(Even though freshwater is only 1% of all the water found on earth)  Depending on where the rivers  are located, their temperatures, minerals, and wildlife can be varied from one another.
Mississippi River Map
Here is a drawing my friend, John Weeks, did of all the rivers of the USA.
I'm afraid temperatures are too different so I cant give a range. However, I know most steams originate from snow melt or ground water that has reached the surface. Here are some common minerals found in freshwater streams and rivers:
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
The amount of sunlight a river receives depends on how much sediment is found in the water at that time. The end of the river will allow less sunlight in because it will have all the sediment that has been carried down from upstream. The amount of shelter a river had also depends on the area where it is located. Some forms of shelter include dams, caves, tree roots, and surrounding vegetation. 

Orinoco River
This is a picture my friend, Samuel Elsaesser  took as we explored the Amazon River.

Now exploring abiotic aspects of a freshwater biome is great, but the biotic aspects of this biome are more exciting!!!
This typical river food web was created by my other naturalist enthusiast, Jan Porincbak
This a great food web because it  shows how humans interact with the freshwater river biome. The producers found in this biome are the plant life in and around rivers. Algae, Duckweed, and Cattail are some of the many producers in this biome, providing the living organisms around them with oxygen and another source of energy.   
Ruth Babylon especially loved taking picture of Cattail.
Cattails are more than just a cover for birds and small animals, they can also be useful to humans. They can be burned to keep bugs away, or they can be ground up to make pancakes and bread.  Cattails are also well adapted to their watery environment. Their leaves have spongy cross-sections that contain air channels to help tem float. Also, their fluffy seeds can be easily picked up by animals and the wind.
The consumers found in this biome consist of 700 different species of fish and 1,200 species of  amphibians, mollusks, and insects. The adaptations in fish can be seen in their body and fin shape. The Largemouth Bass and the Trout have elongated bodies and a forked tails which allows them to swim faster in water. The Pickerel has a slim body and its fins are placed near the back of the fish, allowing it to shoot through the water to catch their prey.

Illustration of chain pickerel
This Pickerel was drawn by Joseph R Tomelleri.
Another Freshwater consumer is the beaver. Beaver's make their homes/dams in slow-moving rivers. An adaptation of the beaver is that its lips close behind its front teeth, preventing water from entering while chewing wood underwater. The beaver also has a clear eyelid that allows it to see underwater.

File:Beaver Yearling Grooming Alhambra Creek 2008.jpg
Cheryl Reyndolds took this picture of a beaver sitting on the bank of a river.

Some of these consumers can also be considered decomposers. Cladocerans ( A.K.A water flea) are small crustaceans that feed on plants and plankton. However, they have been know to feed on decaying organic material, making them decomposers. Saprolegnia is a genus of water mold that breaks down dead material. It may also infect injured organisms such as fish or other animals and cause fungal infections. 


Saprolegnia growing on a live perch
Here is a fish that is being broken down by Saprolegnia. (taken by Thomas Volk)

 It may seem as if everything is against one another, but  there are some symbiotic relationships in this biome. There a small animal called a Green Hydra . The hydra receives its green color from the green algae that lives inside it. The hydra provides protection from the environment and the algae provides oxygen and sugar.

Green hydra, with full stomach
Heather Angel took this amazing picture of a  Green Hydra.
 The main forms of influence from humans are negative. Water and air pollution are the most detrimental to this biome. Another issue is the over-fishing or over-hunting of endangered species. However, there are some people who have started conservation efforts that have helped some rivers like the Amazon. I hope to see more improvements made in this area. Well, I cant wait to visit the next biome!!!
Works Cited:

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Animal Behavior Lab: Pill Bugs


Abstract: In this lab, we wanted to observe the behavior of pill bugs or "rollie pollies." To do so, we setup three different experiments. In each of these experiments, one chamber was a control and the other was the dependent variable. In each of the experiments, we tested one of the five senses (touch, taste, smell...). experiment one proved that the pill bugs enjoy a more wet environment. The second experiment proved that the pill bug is sensitive to strong odors and would prefer to move away from the center of the smell. The third experiment proved that the pill bug doesn't feel uncomfortable in a colder environment.
Introduction:  Animal behavior is how an animal interacts with its environment.  This behavior can be triggered by a stimulus, taught by a parent, or an instinct that doesn't have to be learned. The first experiment involves testing a if the pill bugs prefer a wet or dry environment. The second experiment tests if the pill bugs prefer an environment with a strong odor. The third experiment tests if a pill bug prefers a cold or warm environment. For each experiment, we posed a proximate question. This means that we a questioning the reaction to an external stimulus or an internal mechanism of an organism. Here's and example: How will a pigeon react to the sound of an eagles call? Another type of question you can ask about behavior is an ultimate question. Ultimate questions ask about an organisms relationship with evolution (natural selection, survival). We are also testing taxis  movement behaviors. Taxis movement is when an organism either moves towards or away from a stimulus. An example is when algae moves towards sunlight so it can complete photosynthesis.  The opposite is kinesis, an organisms movement in response to a stimulus but it does not have a specific direction and or is random.

1.) If pill bugs are exposed to a wet and dry environment, then they will likely move to the wet environment because they have gills that help them breathe.
2.) If pill bugs are exposed to a strong odor, then they will move away from the odor because they have a effective sense of smell
3.) If pill bugs are exposed to a warm and cold environment, they will prefer the colder one because they usually live under rocks or in the shade.
- 10 pill bugs
- two platforms with 2 different chambers
- timer
- data sheet
- ammonia
- ice pack
- water
- paper filter
- cover for chambers (only used for the first and second experiment)
First Experiment-
1. put down paper filter in each chamber
2. drop water on one side and keep the other dry
3. put in pill bugs
4. cover with a paper
5. record data every 30 seconds
Second Experiment-
1. put down paper filter in each chamber
2. pour water on one side and ammonia on the other
3. put in pill bugs
4. cover with a paper
5. record data every 30 seconds
Third Experiment-
1. put down paper filter in each chamber
2.  put an icepack under one side and stabilize the other, making sure the platform is level
3. put in pill bugs
4. record data every 30 seconds
Right click to save image 
 Right click to save image

Right click to save image

(FYI: I tried to do a scatter plot graph but the green line did not show up well)
Conclusion: In these experiments, we explored the different aspects of behavior of the pill bug when its put into different environments. My hypothesis for the first experiment was correct, shown by the data tables. The pill bugs did prefer to be in a moist environment. This response is a classical conditioning response because the pill bugs are responding to the stimulus of their environment. the opposite is operant conditioning that are learned by enforcement, punishment, or reward. This movement can also be considered a Fixed Action Pattern.

Example of a Fixed Action Pattern
A Fixed Action Pattern (FAP) will continue until it is completed by the organism. The pill bugs will continue to move until they reach the wet chamber in the experiment. My second hypothesis was also correct because the pill bugs did stay in the control chamber with only water. This is also a classical conditioning response because the bugs tended to move away from the ammonia chamber on the platform. This is also a FAP because the bugs continued to move away from the ammonia chamber. My final hypothesis was also supported by the data we collected because the majority of the pill bugs didn't avoid the colder chamber. Again, we see the classical condition response because the pill bugs migrated toward the colder chamber on the platform. This movement pattern could be the result of imprinting.

Imprinting is how younger animals tend to follow a parent. Additionally, it means that an animal has learned to recognize an object, individual, or location without the presence of reward. An example of a imprinting is how mother goose imprints on their gosling in order to encourage them to follow and learn quickly how to behave. One aspect of error could be that the platform might not have been touching the icepack completely. Another could have been that some water was left in the chamber after we cleaned the platform between experiments.