Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Forensics and body organs week one!!!

Last week was a lot of fun because we got to become "crime scene investigators" and list cause of death, the organs affected, and scenario.  This helped me get a sense of what it is like to apply science to real-life situations. Also, it helped me remember where organs were in the body because it used vocabulary from the PowerPoints and the worksheet. 

Recently, I found an article that gives background on forensics and the scientific methods used (particularly molecular technologies) . It also gives controversial problems such as how DNA samples could be easily contaminated due to the small sample size and where they are found. Even with these problems, developing of technologies to aid this science should continue because the smallest hair from a dog or a slight trace of fruits or plants can tie a suspect to a crime and provide sufficient enough evidence for true justice.

Here is the article : http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1641/b580604?Search=yes&resultItemClick=true&searchText=Forensics&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicResults%3FQuery%3DForensics%26amp%3Bwc%3Don%26amp%3Bfc%3Doff%26amp%3Bacc%3Don

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