Thursday, December 12, 2013

Microscopes and ch. 6 of your inner fish

In class, we want over the test and the main concepts that it covered. Then we began to star our projects in class by researching the list of vocabulary. For the project we have to compare eukaryotic plant and animal cells and prokaryotic cells.
Then we explored the use of microscopes by looking at different organisms on slides. 

^here is our very own flea. :)

Your inner fish: 
This chapter mainly talks about embryology. The study of the stages an embryo goes through. 

This chapter also talks about how many different organisms look the same in the early stages of their life. This is because all forms of life develop from the three germ layers. Each layer controls a different part of body development such as organs and hair.

^in the book it says "we are a tube within a tube"
This all starts from a small ball called a blastocyst. This then (hopefully) implants itself on the mothers uterus and connects to the bloodstream. 

^this is a blastocyst.
Multiple experiments were done by Mangold and Spemann. Collectively, they discovered the organizers that can be taken from one embryo and implanted on another to form a perfect twin. Hox genes we also discovered by further experimentation. These genes control the layout/body plan of a living thing. 

^this compares the Hox genes of a fly and a mouse. Mutations in this gene can cause a flys wings to come out from its head!

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