Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Review for test 5

Today in class we took a short quiz on mitosis an meiosis. Then we wentover what   subjects would be on the test. Then we placed each o those topics on a mind map. 
^endomembrane system 
^here it is again 
We also have to know about embryology and the three germ layers. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Too many "m" words!

Today in class, we went over and compared the different stages of meiosis and mitosis by doing a lab and by making our own models using a whiteboard and Popsicle sticks.  The lab used microscopes to identify the different stages in animal cells and plant cells. 
^here are a few examples of phases. 

Then we recorded data from previously photographed cells and found percent total of cells counted were in each stage. 
^here are my numbers 

Then we reinforced each concept by going through the stages on the white board. 
^this is my telophase model. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Microscopes and ch. 6 of your inner fish

In class, we want over the test and the main concepts that it covered. Then we began to star our projects in class by researching the list of vocabulary. For the project we have to compare eukaryotic plant and animal cells and prokaryotic cells.
Then we explored the use of microscopes by looking at different organisms on slides. 

^here is our very own flea. :)

Your inner fish: 
This chapter mainly talks about embryology. The study of the stages an embryo goes through. 

This chapter also talks about how many different organisms look the same in the early stages of their life. This is because all forms of life develop from the three germ layers. Each layer controls a different part of body development such as organs and hair.

^in the book it says "we are a tube within a tube"
This all starts from a small ball called a blastocyst. This then (hopefully) implants itself on the mothers uterus and connects to the bloodstream. 

^this is a blastocyst.
Multiple experiments were done by Mangold and Spemann. Collectively, they discovered the organizers that can be taken from one embryo and implanted on another to form a perfect twin. Hox genes we also discovered by further experimentation. These genes control the layout/body plan of a living thing. 

^this compares the Hox genes of a fly and a mouse. Mutations in this gene can cause a flys wings to come out from its head!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pedigree problems.. The family history you never knew

First, we took a short quiz to refresh our memory on codominant and sex linked traits. Then we learned about pedigree charts. These charts show how a genetic disease is passes down through a family tree. 
There are many symbols used to represent different aspects to the chart. Shaded in squares or circles means they that male or female has the genetic disease. This is useful for when considering to have a baby because it show your risks for your child to have a genetic disease. This can happen by genes on the chromosome or by sex linked traits . 

More traits and stuff...

Today in class we learned about codominant traits an how to put them int a punnet square. We also describe how to work out sex- linked traits. One important thing to remember is that makes can only give an X chromosome so they are more likely to get rare genetic diseases. 

With codominant traits, there are multiple genotypes for a certain phenotype. Here is an example of how to use a punnet square for codominant traits