Sunday, March 16, 2014

Last week an test # 8

Last we we mainly went over the immune system by answering a quiz. Check my last post if you want to see what I wrote. The quiz covered:
-non-specific immunity 
This is our bodies diet defense against "invaders" It attacks anything that isn't us.  (Anything that has a different cell receptor) 
- chemical barriers 
- skin
- inflammation 
- histamines 
Above is a depiction o inflammation and histamines being released into the body. They send signals to the brain to dial ate your capillaries, bring more fluid to the infected area.
- antigens 
- macrophages/phagocytes 
A macrophage is a type of phagocyte that desolves antigens by using its lysosomes. 
- helper T cells
These cells pass on the antigens information to the B cells which then create antibodies specifically for that antigen. The antibodies mark the antigen so that the killer T cell can find it more easily and destroy it. 
- killer T cells 
- memory B cells 
- plasma cells (create antibodies) 
- cell receptors 
Above, I only gave a summary of some of the topics covered, check my immune system quiz for a more in depth answer.

Then we had the test the next class so I have nothing to report for that day.

If you want to Lear more about allergies and why your body responds to different foods and chemicals, click this link:

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