Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stem Cell Research and "The Island"

To be honest, stem cell research (especially the current research being done) is a very intimidating concept. The idea that humans can take over the role and the power that one usually considers to be in the hands of god is a scary thing. "The Island" clearly depicts this fact on a much larger scale than currently possible; however, their is always the possibility that their are some "mad' scientists out there.

 My question(s):

1.)Is it worth to put human morals and ethics aside in order to advance in stem cell research, or is it better to leave the option of human creation to the natural world?
If you think we should continue stem cell research, give  some reasons why the benefits outweigh  the moral problems. If you disagree, explain some disadvantages that stem cell research could or has brought up.

2.) Do you believe there are any real or current "mad" scientists in the world today? If so, give an example. Also, are any of the examples you have found supported by stem cell research?

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