Monday, November 4, 2013

Flower and hand picture response

1.) (flower) 
In the picture, there is an interesting mix of colors on the flower's petals. A few things could have happens to this flower. One option is that an aa pair allele was made during pollination and the white stripes are a recessive trait. Another option is that it is a mutation in theDNA that   caused the mixing of color.  Also, the flower could have been a result of cross breeding such as in Mendel's experiments with the pea plants.The last option is that the white stripes are a "jumping gene" and occurred randomly or responded to environmental changes. 

2.) (hand) 
In this picture, their is a human hand, obviously mutated because it has eight disgusts instead of five.  What happened was while the hand was developing, a mutation occurred in the sonic hedgehog gene. This gene sequence can be found in all limbed animals. The sonic hedgehog gene, when controlled, will mutate a mirror image of itself on the organisms limb. Here, the mirror image is not so similar, showing there was a mutating during the embryonic stage. 

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