Sunday, September 15, 2013

Testing 1,2,3

Today in class we went over the standards and some of the vocabulary we learned in the notes we took. 
Then we were given the choice between two labs. My group chose to do the macromolecule lab. 
This lab had four different tests you had to do and it has ten different substances you had to test. 

Test#1 Benedict : testing for sugars
1. Put control in one test tube 
2. Put each unknown substance into each of their own test tube
3. Add Benedict 
4. Try to boil them all at the same time
5. Observe and record data

Test#2 iodine: testing for carbohydrates
1. Fill spot plate with control and unknown substances 
2. Add a few drops of Lugol's solution 
3. Observe and record data 
Test#3 biuret: testing for proteins 
1. Fill the spot plate with control and unknown substances 
2. Add Biuret reagent to each
3. Swirl contents
4. Observe and record 
Test#4 Sudan III : testing for lipids 
1. Put each unknown substance and control on their spot plate 
2. Then put a drop of each on a paper bag
3. Wipe it of slightly
4. Check for residue 
5. Record data
6. Add Sudan III to each unknown in the spot plate 
7. Observe and record 

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